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1Password 6

1Password 6



类型: 工具 版本: 6.5.2 兼容系统: OS X 10.10+ 软件语言: 中文 英语 其他 软件大小: 52MB 更新日期:

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1Password︰最优雅、最简单、最安全的密码管理器。 只需添加您的密码,让 1Password 完成其他步骤。对于那些希望为他们手机、平板及电脑选择绝对完美的密码管理器的人来说,1Password 是不二之选。


1Password 为您记住您的所有密码,并将它们保存在安全的地方,用一个只有你知道的密码保护它们。

◆ 为您的所有在线账号创建强壮且唯一的密码
◆ 将用户名和密码自动填入网站和应用
◆ 随意在您的移动设备和计算机上存取您的信息
◆ 与您的家人或公司安全地分享密码
◆ 解锁只需一触——指纹解锁


1Password 不仅仅能存密码:它还可以存放您的财务信息、个人证件,或任何您需要在其中存放的需保持安全和便于访问的信息。

◆ 存储信息的类别多达几十种:登录信息、信用卡、地址、笔记、银行账号、驾驶执照、护照等等。
◆ 可以创建多个存储库,将生活中的不同领域分隔开来
◆ 可用收藏夹管理您的信息
◆ 可使用搜索来查找和筛选您的信息


您在 1Password 中存储的所有数据都以一个主密码保护,而主密码只有您知道。 1Password 使用端到端加密,因此只会在本地解密您的数据。 加密密钥永远不会离开您的设备,因此只有您可以接触到您的密码。

◆ 使用指纹解锁可快速、安全地解锁本应用
◆ 自动锁定本应用,确保您的数据不受侵害,即使您的设备遗失或被盗


1Password for Mac 已完全支持团队和家庭帐户。 与您共同工作的同事、或共同生活的家人,共享 1Password 的安全方便性,从未如此简单

◆ 轻松地迁移帐户之间的信息
◆ 与更多的队友与家庭成员共享密码


1Password曾获各大媒体报导:纽约时报、华尔街日报、富比士、The Verge、Ars Technica、Mashable、英国卫报。

◆ NBC 今日秀推荐: 2017 年必备手机应用程序!
◆ 被Business Insider 评为世界上最伟大的 100 个 app 之一





As we set about to prepare our Thanksgiving feast we received a few more owls bearing bug reports. Happily our self-stirring pots were able to continue prepping our meal for tomorrow while we tidied things up for you, dear customers.

1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance!

If you have any questions please feel free to hit us up on discussions.agilebits.com, @1Password on Twitter, or facebook.com/1Password!

- Resolved an issue that could prevent 1Password from showing different account details after switching tabs in the Preferences window. {OPM-4587}
- Fixed an issue where Touch ID could fail after updating your Master Password. {OPM-4590}
- Resolved a crash that could occur if 1Password failed to attach a license file to new Software License item. {OPM-4591}
- Resolved an issue that could cause 1Password to crash when viewing the Preferences window. {OPM-4600}

What's New In 1Password 6.5:

Fantastic Secrets and Where to Find Them

== TL;DR ==

- 1Password can now be unlocked with your fingerprint on the new Touch ID-capable MacBook Pro!
- Touch Bar support has landed! While using 1Password you will see enhanced controls in the Touch Bar on your new MacBook Pro.
- Setting up 1Password for the first time on your computer is a dream. We’ve rewritten the entire setup experience from scratch to make it easier to get you up and running.
- Improved integration for searching your vaults with amazing apps like Alfred and LaunchBar.

== Unlocking with your fingerprint is as easy as swish and flick ==

There’s no need to utter any incantations to magically unlock 1Password with your fingerprint. Just enable the Touch ID setting in 1Password’s Security Preferences and you’ll be good to go. No one will blame you if you quietly whisper “Alohamora” under your breath as you perform this charm, though.

== Practice your wandless magic ==

The new Touch Bar is almost as awesome as picking up the latest offering at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes (but without the fear factor). Now you can practice your wandless magic by switching between vaults with our new Touch Bar feature. You’ll be able to access your vaults faster than you can say “Wingardium Leviosa!”

Other incantations you can conjure with the Touch Bar include:
- Adding a new item
- Choosing which category you want to create an item in
- Locking your vault easier than casting the “Colloportus” spell
- Activating search (to find the game-winning golden snitch, of course)

== All aboard on Platform 9 3/4! ==

Setting up 1Password for the first time on a new Mac is now just like that first swig of Butterbeer: warm, inviting, and deliciously sweet! We’ve completely rewritten our first-run experience to make it easier than ever to get up and running with 1Password. Whether you’re signing into your 1Password.com account, syncing with your vault on iCloud or Dropbox, or getting started for the very first time, it’s a snap.

== Accio your items from anywhere ==

Some of the best spells are done together so we’ve cooked up a love potion for those of you who make use of our third-party integration. We’ve been working closely with some of our developer friends to make sure you can search for items across all your vaults from within your productivity app of choice. Alfred has already released an update for this new integration and there are more to come!



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