

DEVONthink Pro for mac是Mac os平台上的一款非常不错的Mac文件管理软件,DEVONthink Pro for mac这款软件它拥有精致的人工智能,能极其灵活的适应您的个性化需求。它是你pdf文件,电子邮件,Word文档甚至多媒体文件的数据库。



Data > Save All can be now accessed when pressing the ⇧ Shift key.
Improved handling of Finder tags.
Improved handling of Page Up and Page Down buttons when used with PDFs in Two Page Continuous mode.
Importing OPML files skips entries using unsupported attributes. Also, the resulting group is now unsorted by default.
Databases being currently synced cannot be repaired, rebuilt, deleted, or utilize Tools > Restore Backup.
More reliable handling of databases which are moved or renamed in the Finder while in use.
A warning is logged to Windows > Log if scans are saved in the global inbox folder.
The "paginated PDF" AppleScript property uses the last used print settings and sets the title.
Improved importing and indexing files.
Improved compatibility of internal plugins with Apple's AFPS filesystem.
Improved console logging.
Improved localizations.
Improved bug reporting.
Improved overall reliability and performance.
Improved (Sync)

It's now possible to import multiple databases at once.
When a preferred sync location isn't available to download a pending item the next best available location is used.
More efficient sync after merging records, e.g., ordinary tags, static groups or indexed cloud folders.
Restoring a backup of a database resets the sync status to avoid losing changes or additions since creating the backup.
Cleaning a database now logs a message to Windows > Log when finished.
Improved reliability of WebDAV sync setup and connections.
Improved garbage collection of sync stores, speeds up verifying or committing syncs.
Improved connections for sync locations.
Improved Dropbox error handling.
Improved sync credentials handling.
Improved error logging and handling.
Improved overall reliability and performance.

Fixed an issue where changing the case of indexed folder names in the Finder could create duplicate groups.
Fixed an issue where cross-links to closed databases didn't open them automatically.
Fixed an issue where dashed line annotations on PDFs didn't work (macOS Sierra and later).
Fixed an issue where email messages couldn't be imported to a different database if the currently active database contained already the same messages.
Fixed an issue where large numbers of entries in the Logpanel could slow down importing or indexing files.
Fixed an issue where moving or duplicating a selection containing multiple replicants of the same items didn't move or copy the items to the destination database.
Fixed an issue where removing the fill color of PDF annotations wasn't working reliably (macOS Sierra and later).
Fixed an issue where search results weren't shown in Three Pane and Split views after performing a search, selecting another group, and performing the same search.
Fixed an issue where synchronizing could get slowed down.
Fixed an issue where syntax coloring wasn't working in fullscreen HTML documents.
Fixed an issue where the PDF sidebar could freeze the application (macOS Sierra and later).
Fixed an issue where volumes in the system login items were mounted when opening Preferences > Sorter.
Fixed an issue with 32-bit Spotlight plugins not working correctly.
Fixed a crash related to importing or indexing large numbers of files.
Fixed a crash related to closing databases (OS X El Capitan).
Fixed (High Sierra)

Fixed an issue where the group selector wouldn't close on machines with a Touch Bar.
Fixed an issue where PDF highlight, underline, and strike-through annotations didn't work (macOS High Sierra).
Fixed (Sync)

Fixed an issue where an interrupted sync may not sync metadata.
Fixed an issue where requesting pending records didn't work if the preferred location wasn't accessible.
Fixed an issue where sync uploaded metadata unnecessarily after downloading a pending record.
Fixed an issue where the Info popover of WebDAV sync locations applied invalid entered URLs.
Fixed an issue where the Activity panel was shown too often.
Fixed an issue where typing the URL, username, or password while setting up WebDAV sync locations could cause too much traffic.
Fixed an issue where WebDAV credentials that include a username and password were stored incorrectly.

  1. 打开应用时系统提示“已损坏,你应该移到废纸篓”
    这个是 macOS 的自我保护机制,不是在 Appstore 下载的应用,有时会有这类提示,解决方法请参考:两招解决macOS安装软件提示“已损坏”的问题
  2. 打开拥有多个分卷(dmgpart)的安装包
  3. 部份软件需要关闭SIP才可使用
    请留意页面上的提示,有部份应用需要关闭系统的SIP功能,才可正常使用,关闭方法请参考:macOS 系统关闭 SIP 教程
  4. 打开应用时提示“无法验证是否恶意软件”
    这个是 macOS 的自我保护机制,不是在 Appstore 下载的应用,有时会有这类提示,解决方法请参考:提示“无法验证是否恶意软件”的解决方法
  5. 是否支持版本更新